Nameless Magery and Of Swords and Spells were published by Random House in the late 90s, and last year I got the rights back and published them on Kindle, just because I could. The Stick Princess, the third book, will be out soon.
Nameless Magery and Of Swords and Spells were published by Random House in the late 90s, and last year I got the rights back and published them on Kindle, just because I could. The Stick Princess, the third book, will be out soon.
Really looking forward to the third one! I have original copies of the first two and reread them every few years.
Oh, that’s lovely. I have a couple of original copies myself, which I look at from time to time to remind me that it actually happened. I hope to have the third one finished soon.
I’m also super psyched about Book 3!!!!
I’m at the tinkering stage with Book 3, which means I have found ALL the plot holes and inconsistencies and am wondering what I was thinking.
Oh! Every couple of years I reread these, then Google your name hoping you’ve written more, and always end up a bit sad that I have to find something else to read that won’t be as good. But this time is different! Yay!! Looking forward to reading the next one!
Oh, thank you! I hope you’ll like the third one. I am at the horrid typo-hunting stage when I discover all the narrative flaws.
Another reader is waiting for it.
Hurrah! I hope you enjoy it!
I was unpacking some books from a move and came across Nameless Magery and Of Swords and Spells. Surely this is available on Kindle now, I thought, and was bewildered to see a third book when I check Amazon. How had I possibly missed this?? I am so delighted to see 1) them available on Kindle and 2) a third book. I’ve bought them all and can’t wait to catch up. Thanks for making my holiday weekend!
Oh how lovely!!! I’m so glad you had a nice surprise and I do hope you enjoy your reading.
Delia, I read Nameless Magery when I was a teenager and recently went on a quest to find the book. I couldn’t remember anyone’s name, and only a few major plot points. My mom passed away a few years ago, and it killed me every time I thought of the book because I just know she would have remembered the title. I scoured Goodreads lists and random lists like “sci-fi books written in the 90s” 🤣. I googled every iteration of “wizard school boys only female with magic neck rings” I could think of to no avail. I finally posted on an old sci-fi forum in desperation. Within 2 days I had 2 answers and one of them was your book. Huzzah!! I had to order it from because none of my local libraries had it, sadly. I finally got to read it again today and I’m so happy. It was just as good as I remember. Thank you for writing it!! I can’t wait to read the next 2, as I never realized there were more in the past.
Oh, I’m so happy you found it! One of the reasons I asked for the rights back from Random House was that I kept getting nice letters like yours and I wanted people to be able to read the books. You just made my day!